Welcome to Love Kids Worldwide

Empower Your Children with the Foundation of Faith, Safety, and Character Building

As believers in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we are called to teach our children diligently—when
we sit in our homes, when we walk by the way, and when we lie down (Deuteronomy 6:7). Our missionis clear: to train up a child in the way they should go so that when they grow old, they will not depart
from it (Proverbs 22:6). This is not just a suggestion but a divine command to nurture, educate, and
protect the minds, hearts, and souls of the next generation.

At Love Kids Worldwide, we are dedicated to producing holistic, faith-based, and life-empowering
content that strengthens families and builds up children from Pre-K through 5th grade. In a world
filled with dangerous influences—from addictive technology to toxic media and harmful processed
foods—our children are under constant attack. But we believe that prevention is better than
intervention, and it starts at home

Why Choose Love Kids Worldwide?

🕊 Biblical Faith-Building Lessons

Teach children to walk in faith with interactive, animated Bible studies and devotionals.

True Love vs. False Love: A Parent-Child Interactive Guide

I CAN DO ALL THINGS! Child of GOD. Daily Devotionals,Prayers & Bible Study.

Discover the True Meaning of Life and Your Purpose—In Just 5 Minutes!

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"The Attitude of Gratitude

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100 Prophesies Fulfilled! Told in Rhyme

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"As a Child Thinks"

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Grace& The Gospel, World's Greatest Gift

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Public Speaking for Young Champions: A Fun Confidence-Building Course

KNOWLEDGE & VISION Where there is no vision the people perish

The Straight & Narrow Path Adventure

The Mirror, The Likes, The One True Light!

Principles Over Feelings!

The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached! Told in rhyme

🛡 Life Essential Safety Courses

Equip children with lessons like "Don’t Touch Me Like That" our Good Touch, Bad Touch

safety guide, designed to safeguard against inappropriate behavior.

💪 Mental & Physical Health

Address the dangers of screen addiction with our "Kidnapped Minds" course, teaching families

to reclaim their time and mental health.
🌟 Character Building

Inspire integrity, kindness, and strength through lessons designed to grow children’s character

rooted in Christ.

Your Health is Your Wealth

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Don't Touch Me Like That!

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146 Reasons Sugar is Bad For You

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First 5 Thrive

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Parenting Essentials

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Child Trafficking Prevention

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Kidnapped Minds! Screen Time Safety Guide

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Choices & Consequences

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🎶 Love Kids Band

Let your kids experience the joy of music from the world’s best kids' band, voiced by worldclass singers and produced by Grammy Award-winning musicians.

"Music can help children develop communication skills, foster emotional expression, and enhance cognitive abilities. Engaging with
music can improve children's capacity to listen, process language, and ultimately shape their emotional and social behaviors." —
Harvard Medical School
Proverbs 18:21 (KJV): "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."

Morning Praise

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Sweet Lullaby

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I Am Light!

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Hey Now!

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End of The Day!

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Joy Is Calling You!

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Everyday Hero

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Loves In Need

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Love Kids Band

"Downloads:PDF Book.Bible Study Guide. Activity Books.Posters."


Only $49.95 Annually for Families & Individuals

$1,295 Annually for Enterprises & Organizations

Your subscription gives you access to an ever-growing library of faith-based, life-saving content. We also proudly donate

subscriptions to foster care organizations, families, and orphanages worldwide—just reach out to us via email to get connected.

"Join the Love Kids Band today, when you shop save 20% on all you pay!"

Strong Foundation! Our Movement Theme Song

Join The Movement!

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